
Our sense of "nutrition" and "health" is constantly evolving. New circumstances and new knowledge are continually warranting shifts. For example, when Scott and I both worked full-time, our availability to create more time-consuming raw or whole-foods meals was more limited. Now that I am able to work part-time, I have more time to dedicate to our nutrition. As research continues to develop, as we continue to learn, as our bodies and their needs change, so does our diet. This used to completely overwhelm me. I very much like things to remain stable and constant. But now I can appreciate that maximizing one's personal health is a continual journey and I love that. 

After reading some key books (Superfoods RXEat to Live12 Steps to Whole Foods, The China Study) and watching some informative documentaries (Forks Over Knives,) we made a  few initial changes to our diet. We took just a few first steps that were helpful in our initial nutritional shift.

First Steps to a New Nutrition Plan

  1. Make a short list of foods that you want to completely eliminate and a short list of foods you want to start adding (This is totally a personal decision. For us, we chose to eliminate pork and soda and to aim for a water intake of about 100 oz. daily.) 
  2. Make Green Smoothies with dinner each night (Originally our smoothies were simply water, juice, tons of spinach, a few carrots, a banana, frozen berries and ice.)
  3. If possible, get blood work done (it's fun - and educational - to get a baseline)
  4. Dedicate 1+ hour(s) each week to learning more about nutrition (We attended local nutrition classes, read books, talked to friends, and watched documentaries. We have some of these documentaries on our soon-to-watch list too.) 

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